Friday, June 03, 2011

140 Characters or Less...

  • 22:39 Did they just make up 15 points in like 4 minutes? #
  • 22:45 I've got an idea, let's leave a guy wide open for three on the inbound. #curiousdefense #
  • 22:47 You can't guard me. #Dirksays #
  • 00:13 @sspuh try not to learn too much we'll have to help you unlearn, ok? #traf #
  • 09:07 Didja know... If you build a staircase within walls code needs 36" between the walls, but without walls you need 36" between the rails. #
  • 09:09 @m! attigray takeout menus #
  • 12:45 @keeboch they ought to be thinking Doctor or Lawyer #paythembills #
  • 12:46 in the office, not sure why #
  • 14:52 I just had a tweet printed in a magazine. What's that called? Retwublished? #
  • 15:25 today learning all kinds of unfortunate things in the building code about staircases; libertarian urges rising #
  • 16:13 a guy named Chris just called me and he sounded just like a guy named Chris I used to talk to all the time. But it wasn't him. #
  • 18:01 I have hom e remodeling fatigue #
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