Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Knot Dating 05

Today was Knot Dating 05. I don't think teaching knots at the front of a class is effective, so I make everyone learn one knot on their own and then they teach each other, speed dating style.

In the past we've done a theme and played dress up along with the ropework, but since the class moved to the morning people have been less enthused about that kind of participation. So there was no theme this year, or rather maybe it was "slacker theme."

I don't participate in the actually knot dating, but I have almost inadvertently learned a few knots this week. I have added to my bag:

  1. The Butterfly Bend
  2. The Double Dragon Loop
  3. The Zeppelin Bend
  4. The Adjustable Hitch
  5. An alternate way to tie the Alpine Butterfly
  6. A ridiculous knot called the Bimini Twist

Mostly I tell people all they need is the Bowline, Sheet Bend, Clove Hitch, & a Trucker's Hitch. The next one up is usually the tautline hitch. I have to say, I like the Zeppelin better than the sheet, the double dragon better than the bowline, and the adjustable better than the tautline.

Geek geek geek geek.

Also, I like the snuggle hitch better than the clove, but I haven't quite mastered it yet. So I guess maybe next year I will have to change my "big four" to some new knots.

The Bimini Twist isn't really a knot that anyone would use. It's a 90-100% efficient loop and is intended for fishing line, for big game fishing. The knot is essentially a circus knot, except that a circus knot has four turns and the book says a Bimini twist has 20 turns. So maybe this is just a knot for parties.

Geek geek geek geek.

Everyone appeared to have a good time with class. I think I will try to come up with a theme for next time.


Katy said...

those sound cool! Can you post the handouts from class? or did you ditch that requirement in your softening?

BabelBabe said...

You just like to say Snuggle hitch...actually, *I* like to say snuggle hitch...snuggle hitch, sniggle hitch, snuggle hitch....

How about, in keeping with your first post, a nice little S&M party for knot-tying? Think it would go over well? : )As long as you video it, it's legal, right?