Friday, March 11, 2005

More Lego. Other Stuff

So once again, the infallible surfing buffet that is the Google Random Image generator has found some new stuff - and lead to a few other things as well. For your viewing pleasure, we have three videos.

The first one is what I found from the random image. It lead me to a site She seems to be at least some sort of minor celebrity in the NYC area, although I may be wrong. Anyway, part way down her page I found this:

Since The King of Pop has been in the news of late, and I have talked here previously about the role Lego played in my formative years, I thought it made good material for a post.

(by the way, she says she poached this link from: Gleny, it only seems fair to complete the citation)

Unfortunately, Lego seems only to be used for the characters and the foliage. They could have used it for the buildings and other things. Also, it seems like it was filmed at a somewhat smallish resolution, so its a little blurry. But its still worth seeing just to see the dance sequences.

So, finding this clip made me think of other videos I'd seem on the web. Hands down the funniest one I can recall is called "Troops." This film can be found on the website: The Unfortunately, the film is only available for download there as a .zip file. I looked fairly exhaustively to find a site that streamed it, but I couldn't. I did find one that opens it in a helper window if you have quicktime installed:

You will have to give it time to load. If you are on dialup it will take a while. Whatever your connection is though, its worth it.

The first film tied to Lego. This one ties to Star Wars. Its the story of a couple of Tatooine Stormtroopers just walkin a beat, and parallels the timeline of the Star Wars film. Sort of a backstory that you saw the results of, but never got to see in the movie.

I finally found that link on this page:

Which would be a nice way to kill a few hours, as it has about a hundred video links. Most are scavenged from TV. I won't post all the links here, but the Chris Rock clip that spurred a blog entry a few weeks back is there. There's also a fairly humorous Jack Black skit - I'm guessing from the MTV Movie Awards - involving The Lord of the Rings and a Prince Albert. And, as it appears we are getting dirtier and dirtier, a nice clip called "This Old Whorehouse" from an HBO show I can't remember the name of. I always thought this skit was funny because the Norm character gets to say:

"...and I've included a recessed shelf for your assorted love oils, which I think is a nice detail...."

Anyway, happy viewing.

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