Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Crazy Scheme

So school has begun and that means crew is starting, and that means we need managers. This year that means I guess we're into the crazy scheme.

This evening I've got all the schemers coming in and I'm going to explain just what I have been thinking since we first wrote "crazy scheme" in all the TD, ATD, and Master Carp slots last spring.

Sure hope it works.

Interested in what makes for a crazy scheme for production support? I am fairly certain you too can get the "What was he thinking" presentation if you click here.


Katy said...

well, in theory it will work. Let's see if it does. Keep the blogosphere posted on the crazy scheme's progress. Did you get your Scheduling Boards made yet? Make sure that each dept is a different color on your weekly boards.

Peg said...

Go David Go!

Groovy PowerPoint presentation. I was sold. Hope it does work as smoothly as you will need it to.

P.S. Hope you're taking detailed notes as you go along, because quite honestly you could revolutionize the way academics approach Production. Write a book, man, write a book!